Mobile restroom rentals Abbotsford

Portable restroom rentals can be a very practical service whenever large numbers of people are going to gather and existing facilities are not designed for this volume of people. Portable restroom rentals can also be very useful when there is no plumbing in an area, such as on a construction site or perhaps in the middle of a field.

Let's look at five useful tips for portable restroom rentals.

Strategic locations and sufficient restrooms

For the most part, portable restroom rental options are very affordable. In addition, they are easy to distribute throughout large areas, such as grounds that may host festivals or concerts. When restrooms are too difficult to get to because they are too closely spaced or there are not enough of them, attendees can feel very uncomfortable and it can even cause people to do things they shouldn't be doing in the bushes.

Renting the right number of restrooms

To get the number of portable toilets right, you must determine how many you will need. To accomplish this, the first thing to consider is how long the event is going to last, and then you need to know how many attendees you estimate there will be. With this information, the number of portable toilets needed is relatively easy to calculate.

For example, let's say a concert lasts six hours and you estimate that there will be a minimum of 1,000 attendees. Consequently, nine portable toilets will be sufficient. It's always a good idea to leave a little room for error, so it's best to rent two toilets for every ten people to ensure that everything really is covered.

Think seasonal

When it comes to portable toilets, remember what season the event will be held in. When it's summer, the heat causes event attendees to be thirstier, so they drink more and the demand for restrooms is higher. Long lines are more likely to form. In these cases, renting ten or more stations would be a smarter choice. This would keep queues to a minimum.

Don't forget the sinks

Everyone knows that there always needs to be sinks next to the restrooms. However, the need for sinks elsewhere is often ignored.

Small sinks are best. They are easy to transport and you can easily move them anywhere without difficulty.

Consider the budget

It's easy to create a list of the models you want, but if you don't have the budget you won't be able to make it happen. Know your budget ahead of time and then make adjustments accordingly.

Here's a tip: instead of cutting back on portable toilets, choose a more basic model and leave out the more sophisticated ones.

These five tips are a great way to ensure that your portable restroom rental goes smoothly.

Contact Us

A1 Party Rentals is one of the leading event equipment rental companies. If you need the ideal furniture for your event, you can go to our website and browse the catalog that we have published ideal for you.

We offer integral solutions. We are more than just a party rental company. In addition to furniture we can also plan all the logistics necessary for your event to be successful. Don't improvise, plan with us.

Mobile restroom rentals Abbotsford
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